Are Laptops Allowed in Checked Baggage? (2023 Guide)

Are Laptops Allowed in Checked Baggage?

Are you wondering if you can pack your laptop in your checked baggage for your upcoming trip? As technology has become an essential part of our lives, we tend to carry our laptops everywhere we go. However, when it comes to air travel, many people are unsure about the rules and regulations regarding laptops in checked baggage. The last thing you want is to arrive at your destination only to find out that your laptop has been damaged or confiscated by airport security.

In this article, we will explore the guidelines for carrying laptops in checked baggage and provide you with useful tips to ensure a smooth and hassle-free travel experience. You may read also How Long Do Hp Pavilion Laptops Last

Are Laptops Allowed in Checked Baggage?

Laptops are generally allowed in checked baggage on most airlines, but it is recommended to carry them in carry-on luggage instead. This is because checked baggage is often subject to rough handling, and fragile items such as laptops can be easily damaged or broken. Additionally, there is a risk of theft or loss when valuable items are placed in checked luggage.

While there are no explicit rules or regulations prohibiting laptops in checked baggage, some airlines have restrictions on lithium-ion batteries. Laptops and other electronic devices typically contain lithium-ion batteries, which can pose a fire risk if they are damaged or short-circuited. To minimize the risk of fire, airlines may limit the number of lithium-ion batteries allowed in checked luggage or require that they be carried in carry-on luggage.

It is also important to note that some countries have specific regulations on the import and export of electronic devices, including laptops. Before traveling, it is recommended to check with the relevant authorities or embassy to ensure that you are compliant with local regulations.

In summary, while laptops are allowed in checked baggage, it is recommended to carry them in carry-on luggage instead to minimize the risk of damage or loss. Additionally, it is important to be aware of any airline or country-specific regulations regarding lithium-ion batteries and electronic devices.

Should You Keep Your Laptop In The Checked Baggage?

No, it is not recommended to keep your laptop in checked baggage. There are several reasons why it is better to keep your laptop with you in your carry-on bag instead.

Firstly, checked baggage is subjected to rough handling and may be jostled around during transit, which can potentially damage your laptop. Even if you have a sturdy laptop bag, there is no guarantee that it will be enough to protect your laptop from the bumps and impacts that can occur in the cargo hold.

Secondly, checked baggage is at a higher risk of theft or loss. Baggage handlers may be tempted to steal valuable items, including laptops, from checked bags. Additionally, bags can sometimes get lost in transit, leaving you without your laptop.

Lastly, if you keep your laptop with you in your carry-on bag, you will be able to use it during your flight or while waiting in the airport. This can be especially useful if you have work to do or need to access important files or documents.

In summary, it is highly recommended that you keep your laptop with you in your carry-on bag instead of placing it in checked baggage. By doing so, you can ensure that your laptop is safe from damage, theft, or loss, and you can also use it when needed during your travels. You may read also Best Laptops for Automotive Technician

What Are The Checked Baggage Fees For Laptops?

Checked baggage fees for laptops can vary depending on the airline and the specific flight itinerary. Some airlines may charge an additional fee for laptops or other electronic devices, while others may include them as part of the standard checked baggage allowance. 

In general, it is recommended to review the airline’s baggage policy prior to booking to ensure that you are aware of any additional fees or restrictions that may apply. Additionally, it is important to properly protect and pack laptops when checking them to avoid any damage during transit. This can include using a protective case and ensuring that the device is securely stored within the checked baggage.

How To Pack A Laptop In Checked Baggage?

Packing a laptop in checked baggage can be risky as it is susceptible to damage during transit. However, if you must pack it in your checked baggage, here are some steps to follow:

  • Backup your data: Before packing your laptop, it is important to back up all your important data to a cloud storage service or an external hard drive. This is to ensure that your data is safe in case your laptop gets lost, stolen, or damaged during transit.
  • Turn off the laptop: Turn off your laptop completely and unplug any peripherals, such as USB drives or external hard drives.
  • Pack the laptop: Place the laptop in the middle of your checked baggage, surrounded by soft clothing such as shirts or sweaters.
  • Label your baggage: Label your checked baggage with your name, contact information, and destination. This will make it easier for the airline to return your lost or misplaced baggage.

It is important to note that it is not recommended to pack your laptop in checked baggage if it can be avoided. It is always best to keep your laptop with you as a carry-on item during travel.


In conclusion, laptops are generally not allowed in checked baggage due to safety concerns. According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), electronic devices with lithium-ion batteries, such as laptops, can pose a fire hazard if they are damaged or if the battery overheats. Therefore, these devices should be carried in carry-on baggage, where they can be easily monitored and handled in case of any potential issue. However, it is always best to check with the airline’s specific regulations and guidelines regarding carry-on and checked baggage before traveling to ensure compliance with their policies. You may read also Is MacBook Air Good For Programming


What items are not allowed in checked luggage?

There are various items that are not allowed in checked luggage, including explosives, compressed gasses, flammable liquids and solids, oxidizers and organic peroxides, toxic substances, radioactive materials, and lithium batteries. Other prohibited items include firearms and ammunition, sharp objects, and certain types of sports equipment.

Can I put a laptop in checked luggage?

It is not recommended to put a laptop in checked luggage as it can be damaged or stolen during transit. Laptops are delicate electronic devices and can be easily damaged due to rough handling or changes in temperature and pressure. It is better to keep laptops with you in carry-on luggage.

Is a laptop considered a carry-on bag?

Yes, a laptop is generally considered a carry-on bag when traveling by air. Most airlines allow passengers to bring one carry-on bag and one personal item, such as a purse, briefcase, or laptop bag, on board the aircraft. However, it’s always best to check with your specific airline for their policies on carry-on baggage.

Can I bring 5 laptops on a plane?

In most cases, you can bring 5 laptops on a plane, but it depends on the airline’s specific policies and the country’s regulations you’re traveling from and to. It’s important to check with your airline beforehand and comply with their guidelines for carrying electronic devices on board.

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